Wisdom of Solomon 16:25

Therefore even then was it altered into all fashions, and was obedient to thy grace, that nourisheth all things, according to the desire of them that had need:
Read Chapter 16

Augustine of Hippo

AD 430
Was it the work of angels when sensible creatures, docile to the will of the Creator, took forms adapted to the circumstances"bodily forms appearing to the eyes of human beings and voices resounding in their ears? Of such docility it is written in the book of Wisdom, "In fact, the creature that obeys you who made it, exerts itself to punish the unrighteous and restrains itself to benefit those who trust in you. At that time, then, adapting itself to all these changes, it served your goodness that nourishes all, according to the desire of those who aspired to you." The power of the divine will reaches, by means of spiritual creatures, even to the visible and sensible effects of bodily creatures. Indeed, where is the will of the Wisdom of almighty God not effective, whose power extends from one end of the earth to the other and governs all with goodness? - "On the Trinity 3.1.6"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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