Song of Songs 5:12

His eyes are like doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.
Read Chapter 5


AD 735
[A dove] is inclined to sit above water so that it may avoid being seized by a hawk coming, since it has seen its shadow beforehand in the water. Let us also be clean, and take care to sit attentively at the cleansing streams of the Scriptures, and, thoroughly instructed by [their] mirrors, may we be capable of distinguishing and guarding ourselves against the snares of the ancient enemy. - "Homilies on the Gospels 1.12"

Cyril of Jerusalem

AD 386
Perhaps, as some say, it was to reveal an image that he came down in the likeness of a pure, innocent, simple dove, working with prayers for the sons he begot and for the forgiveness of sins; just as in a veiled manner it was foretold that the beauty of Christ’s eyes would be manifested in this way. - "Catechetical Lectures 17.9"

Gregory of Nyssa

AD 394
The eyes “upon the fullness of waters” are compared with doves because of their simplicity and innocence, and the Word says they have been washed in milk. A quality of milk is that it does not reflect any image. Every other liquid is like a mirror whose smooth surface serves to reflect the image of those gazing in it. However, milk lacks such reflective capacity. This is, then, the best praise for the church’s eyes. They do not reflect deceptive, shadowy pictures of nonexistent things that are erroneous, vain or contrary to the true nature of reality. They look, rather, at being itself, and do not reflect the false visions and fantasies of life. Thus the perfect soul bathes its eyes in milk to keep them pure. - "Homilies on the Song of Songs 13"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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