Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
Read Chapter 51
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
7. "More and more wash me from mine unrighteousness" (ver. 2). What is , "More and more wash"? One much stained. More and more wash the sins of one knowing. Thou that hast washed off the sins of one ignorant. Not even thus isit to be despaired of Thy mercy. "And from my delinquency purge Thou me." According to the manner in which He isphysician, offer a recompense. He is God, offer sacrifice. What wilt thou give that thou mayest be purged? For see upon whom thou callest; upon a Just One thou callest. He hateth sins, if He isjust; He taketh vengeance upon sins, if He is just; thou wilt not be able to take away from the Lord God His justice: entreat mercy, but observe the justice: there ismercy to pardon the sinner, there is justice to punish the sin. What then? Thou askest mercy; shall sin unpunished abide? Let David answer, let those that have fallen answer, answer with David, and say, No, Lord, no sin of mine shall be unpunished; I know the justice of Him whose mercy I ask: it shall n...
Yet more, by baptism. (Eusebius; St. Ambrose, apol.)
The true penitent never ceases to deplore his sins, like David, St. Peter, and St. Paul, Ecclesiasticus v. 5. The psalmist prays, that all the remains of sin may be obliterated, John xiii. 10. (Worthington)