I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would acknowledge me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.
Read Chapter 142
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
5. "I considered upon the right hand, and saw" (ver. 4). He considered upon the right hand, and saw: whoso considereth upon the left hand, is blinded. What is to consider on the right hand? Where they will be to whom shall be said, "Come, ye blessed of My Father," etc., ...He goeth on to say, "and there was none that knew me." For when thou fearest all things, who knoweth what thou regardest, whether thou directest thine eyes to the right hand or to the left? If, in bearing, thou seekest the praise of men, thou hast regarded the left: if, in bearing, thou seekest the promises of God, thou hast regarded the right hand. Hast thou regarded the right hand, thou shalt see: hast thou regarded the left hand, thou shalt be blinded. But even when thou seest on the right hand, there will be none to know thee. For who comforteth thee save the Lord? "Flight hath perished from me." He speaketh as though he were hemmed in. Let the persecutors rejoice over him; he is overpowered, he is taken, he is h...
Hand. For succour, Psalm xv. 8. So was David situated at Engaddi, as our Saviour was, when he was abandoned by his disciples. (Calmet)
None would appear to be acquainted with those in distress. (Haydock)