The LORD said unto my Lord,
Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.
Read Chapter 110
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
1. ...This Psalm is one of those promises, surely and openly prophesying our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; so that we are utterly unable to doubt that Christ is announced in this Psalm, since we are now Christians, and believe the Gospel. For when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ asked of the Jews, whose Son they alleged Christ to be, and they had replied, "the Son of David;" He at once replied to their answer, "How then doth David in spirit call Him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto My Lord?" etc. "If then," He asked, "David in the spirit call Him Lord, how is He his son?" With this verse this Psalm beginneth.
2. "The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit Thou on My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool" (ver. 1). We ought, therefore, thoroughly to consider this question proposed to the Jews by the Lord, in the very commencement of the Psalm. For if what the .Jews answered be asked of us, whether we confess or deny it; God forbid that we should deny it. If it be said to us, Is Christ the Son of David, or not?if we reply, No, we contradict the Gospel for the Gospel of St. Matthew thus beginneth, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David." The Evangelist declareth, that he is writing the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David. The Jews, then, when questioned by Christ, whose Son they believed Christ to be, rightly answered, the Son of David. The Gospel agreeth with their answer. Not only the suspicion of the Jews, but the faith of Christians, doth declare this. ..."If then David in the spirit called Him Lord, how is He his son?" The Jews were silent a...
David. It is of faith that he wrote this psalm on the Messias. The Jews, in our Saviour's time, were convinced of it, (Matthew xxii. 42.) so that their posterity (Berthier) in vain attempts to explain it of Abraham, David, Solomon, Ezechias, or Zorobabel. (St. Chrysostom)
Even some of them candidly own that it can relate to no other, (Thalmud) and Christians are universally of this belief. (Calmet)
The Lord. Hebrew Jehova, (Haydock) the Father. (Menochius)
To my Lord. Hebrew Ladoni, (Haydock) the Son incarnate, (Menochius) Lord of all, though the son of David. (Worthington)
Who else could be David's superior? as Christ argues. (Haydock)
The title Adonoi is given to God, (ver. 5.; Calmet) as my is never united with the ineffable name.
Hand. In equal power (Berthier) as God, and in the highest dignity as man, after the ascension. (Calmet)
This thought should encourage us to suffer patiently, (Colossians iii. 1.) as Christ was to suffer, and thus to enter into his glory. The saints...
1. He who delivered from the lowest hell the man first made of earth, when lost and bound by the chains of death; He who came down from above, and exalted earth-born man on high; He who has become the preacher of the Gospel to the dead, the redeemer of souls, and the resurrection of the buried;— He became the helper of man in his defeat, and appeared in his likeness, the first-born Word, and took upon Himself the first Adam in the Virgin; and though spiritual Himself, He made acquaintance with the earthy in the womb; though Himself the ever-living One, He made acquaintance with the dead in transgressions; Himself the heavenly One, He bore the terrestrial on high; Himself of lofty extraction, He chose, by His own subjection, to set the slave free; and making man, who turns to dust, and forms food for the serpent, unconquerable as adamant, and that, too, when hung upon the tree, He declared him lord over his victor, and is thus Himself proved conqueror by the tree.
2. Those, indeed, who...