Psalms 106:38

And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.
Read Chapter 106

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Chanaan. These unnatural sacrifices were perhaps practised under the judges, or at least under the kings. (Worthington) Some pretend that the children were only made to pass over or between fires. But this is refuted by facts, Leviticus xviii. 21., and 4 Kings xvi. 3., and Jeremias vii. 30 Polluted. Infecta: ephonoktanethe is used by Septuagint, in this sense, though it signifies also, "was slain "interfecta, as most Latin Bibles and Fathers read, before the correction of Clement VIII. The former expression is more natural and conformable to the Hebrew. (Calmet)

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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