Those who eat the heavenly bread become heavenly without doubt! Wine teaches us in that it makes those who are familiar with it like itself: for it hates those who are fond of it and is intoxicating and maddening and a mocker of them.
A luxurious thing. Hebrew, "a scoffer. "Chaldean, "renders one a scoffer. "
Drunkenness. Hebrew ssocor, any strong drink, particularly palm-wine. Intemperance places the strongest obstacles in the way of wisdom. It causes a person to mock at all sacred things, and to be quarrelsome, chap. xxiii. 29., and Ephesians v. 18.
As it is said, “The priest and the prophet were deranged by wine.” “Wine is licentious, drunkenness is bold. The person who indulges in them will not be exempt from sin.” Wine is a good thing if you drink it with moderation. “If you set your eyes on cups and goblets you will walk naked as a pestle.” Therefore, all who have prepared to become disciples of Jesus should abstain from wine and drunkenness.