And when you have seen it, you also shall be gathered unto your people, as Aaron your brother was gathered.
Read Chapter 27
George Leo Haydock
AD 1849
People, in limbo. (Menochius)
He was not buried in the grave of his ancestors, but on some part of Mount Abarim, called Nebo, Deuteronomy xxxiv. 1, 6. (Haydock)
Moses, hoping that his sentence of exclusion from the promised land might be only a threat, had earnestly besought God to let him enter. But being forbidden to speak of the matter any more, he understood that it was as irrevocable as an oath, Deuteronomy iii. 26., and iv. 21. He turned, therefore, his whole solicitude to obtain of God some one, who might enjoy the honour and happiness of conducting the people, and putting them in possession of God's promises. He regards not flesh and blood on this occasion, (Philo, de caritate.; Salien,) but sets a noble pattern for all ecclesiastical superiors to imitate. (Du Hamel)