For the son dishonors the father, the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house.
Read Chapter 7
Gregory of Nyssa
AD 394
A man, then, who remains the same and yet prattles to himself about the change for the better that he has undergone in baptism should attend to what Paul says: “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” For you are not what you have not yet become. The Gospel says of the regenerate, however, that “he gave all those who received him the power to become God’s children.” Now the child born of someone certainly shares his parent’s nature. If then you have received God and have become his child, let your way of life testify to the God within you. Make it clear who your father is! The marks by which we recognize God are the very ones by which a son must show his relation to him. “He opens his hand and fills everything living with joy.” “He overlooks iniquity.” “He relents of his evil purpose.” “The Lord is kind to all and is not angry with us every day.” “God is straightforward, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” This is what fathers do for children. Si...
Just what is the work of the axe? The excision of the soul that is incurably fruitless, like the tree even after the dung has been applied. And what does the sword do? The sword of the Word cuts through defenses. It does the work of separating the worse from the better. It actually creates a division between the faithful and the unbeliever. It may even stir up the son and the daughter and the bride against the father and the mother and the motherinlaw, the young and fresh against the old and shadowy. Accordingly, what is the latchet of the shoe, which you, John, who baptized Jesus, may not let loose? You who are of the desert, without food, you, the new Elijah, you who are more than a prophet, inasmuch as you saw him of whom you did prophesy, you the mediator of the Old and New Testaments. What is this latchet? It is precisely the message of the advent, the incarnation. No one can make it happen—neither those yet carnal and babes in Christ nor those who are akin to John in spirit. On t...