And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field.
Read Chapter 14
Cassiodorus Senator
AD 585
Though hyssop is a tiny plant, its roots are said to penetrate the heart of rocks. It is also known to be good for a person’s internal wounds. In Leviticus it was dipped in sacrificial blood and sprinkled seven times on the body of a leper, revealing by way of anticipation that inward stains of sins could be effectively removed by the precious blood of the Lord Savior.
Rightly. According to law. (Haydock)
The number seven is used to denote perfection, ver. 15 (Menochius)
Field. An emblem of the liberty which the leper would soon enjoy. (Haydock)
The pagans cast over their head the things which had been used for their purification. (Virgil, Ec. viii. 102.) Fer cineres, Amarilli, foras, rivoque fluenti
Transque caput jace, ne respexeris.
They were afraid to trample upon them. (Gell. x. 15.; Met am. xiii. 954.) They were also accustomed to set birds at liberty in honour of their gods. Demosthenes accuses Conon of having eaten those which had been used in his purification. Bonfrere believes that Moses does not here prescribe any sacrifice. Why then is a priest employed to make these aspersions? (Calmet)