They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns: they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit: and they shall be ashamed of your harvest because of the fierce anger of the LORD.
Read Chapter 12
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
“Pray that you do not enter into temptation”—that you enter not again into “contentions, envying, animosities, dissension, detractions, seditions, whispering.” For we have not planted and watered the Lord’s garden in you only to reap these thorns from you. But if your weakness still stirs up a storm, pray that you may be delivered from temptation. Those among you who trouble you, whoever they may be, will incur judgment unless they amend their lives. - "Letter 211"
Dearly beloved, it is fitting that we should not abuse our rank as clergy, so as to make it an occasion of pride, but diligently keep and observe God’s commandments, to be in reality what in name we profess to be. For if the Holy Scriptures say, “Their lots shall not profit them,” what pride in our clerical position will be able to help us who sin not only in thought and feeling but also in speech? - "Letter 51.1"
I beg you, therefore, and admonish you again and again: do not look to your military experience for a standard of clerical obligation. Under Christ’s banner, do not seek worldly gain, lest having more than when you first became a clergyman, you hear people say, to your shame, “Their portion shall not profit them.” Welcome poor people and strangers to your homely table, that with them Christ may be your guest. - "Letter 52.5"
The house of God has been made a den of thieves! This is the house of which Jeremiah says, “Has not my house become for me the den of a hyena?” Here we have “you have made it a den of thieves,” in Jeremiah, “the den of a hyena.” We have to know the nature of this animal. Then from that, we shall be able to learn why the prophet called God’s house a hyena’s den. The hyena is never seen in the daytime but always at night. Never is it seen in the light but always in the darkness. - "Homilies on Mark 83.11.15–17"