If your children have sinned against him, and he has cast them away for their transgression;
Read Chapter 8
Didymus the Blind
AD 398
Even Bildad is confused in his speech and is pulled in different directions by various doctrines, when he says, “If you yourself have not sinned, your sons have.” Thereby he does not believe one is punished for someone else. But he may be included (in his reasoning), for he delivered the transgression into their hand due to their own sin. In so doing, he alludes to the collapse [of the house], through which Job’s children died. “Son” he says, referring to the superior part in his speech, because Job had also daughters. Thus he indicates, since the sons, who had great value for Job, have sinned, obviously the daughters have sinned as well. - "Commentary on Job 8.4"
61. As if the preachers of falsities were to say to afflicted Catholics, ‘Provide for your lives, and learn what wrong things ye maintain from the condemnation of those that are dead from among you. For except your misbelief were displeasing to the Creator of all things, He would never take from you such numbers [k] by destruction let loose to rage against them.’ For he says, If thy children have sinned against Him, and He have left them in the hand of their transgression. As though he said in plain speech, ‘They are left in the hand of their own wickedness, that refused to follow the life of our right rule.’ Yet if thou wilt arise to God at dawn, and make thy supplication to the Almighty. For inasmuch as heretics think that the light of truth rests with themselves, they bid and summon Holy Church, as being in the night of error, to come to the dawning of the truth, that in the knowledge of God it may be led to rise, as in the dawning light, and by the prayer of penitence wash of...
Even if your person is purified from guilt through your words, do not the sins of your house reflect the guilt of your principles? Therefore, it is not proper that you make your pains into complaints. It is, however, useful that you are purified through confession and the offering of prayers. - "Exposition on the Book of Job 8.4"