Job 7:15

So that my soul chooses strangling, and death rather than my life.
Read Chapter 7

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Hanging. Protestants, "strangling and death, rather than my life "or Marginal note, "bones. "(Haydock) Any species of Death would be preferable to this misery. (Calmet) Who would not entertain the same sentiments, if the fear of worse in the other world did not withhold him? But Job had reason to hope that his sorrows would end with his life. (Haydock) It is thought that he was dreadfully tempted to despair. (Calmet) Yet he resisted manfully, and overcame all attempts of the wicked one.

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
44. What is then represented by the soul but the bent of the soul, and by the bones, the strength of the flesh? Now every thing that is hung is assuredly lifted up from things beneath; therefore ‘the soul chooseth hanging that the bones may die,’ in that whilst the mind's intent lifts itself on high, it extinguishes all the strength of the exterior life in itself. For the Saints know it for a most certain truth, that they can never enjoy rest in the present life, and so they ‘choose hanging,’ in that quitting earthly objects of desire, they raise the mind on high. But whilst hung on high they inflict death on their bones, in that for love of the land above, having their loins girt in press and pursuit after virtuous attainments, all wherein they were afore time strong in the world, they load with the chain of self-abasement. It is well to mark how Paul had his soul suspended aloft, who said, Nevertheless I live: yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. [Gal. 2, 20] And again; Having a...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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