Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand how I have erred.
Read Chapter 6
Gregory The Dialogist
AD 604
51. It seems doubtful under the scale of what pointing this should hang, whether it be joined to what he had brought in, Did I say, or whether the sentence is spoken disjoined from the preceding, so that it is said thereby in reproach, Teach me, and I will hold my tongue, and cause me to understand wherein I have erred. Which same however agrees with either pointing, for by neither does he depart from the path of sound meaning. But since we have delivered these things in course allegorically, it remains for us to examine the words of the history in a moral sense.
52. Blessed Job had undergone the loss of his property; being given over to the strokes of evil spirits, he was suffering the smarts of their wounds; yet in loving the wise foolishness of God, he had trodden under foot the foolish wisdom of the world with inward scorn. Therefore in opposition to the rich of this world he is called poor, in opposition to the powerful he is called oppressed, in opposition to the wise he is...
However, even in such a condition, Job does not refuse to learn. “You may say something useful. I will be silent, if you speak helpful words.” But they could not, to be sure, present evidence, but simply proceeded through conjectures. And since Job’s life was manifestly full of virtue, they supposed that it was not the ground of his punishments. - "Commentary on Job 6.24a"