Job 6:18

The paths of their way turn aside; they go nowhere, and perish.
Read Chapter 6

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Entangled. Like meandering streams, my friends act crookedly. (Menochius)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
34. All that is involved is folded back into itself. And there are some who as it were resolve, with all the purpose of their heart, to resist the vicious habits that mislead them, but when the crisis of the temptation comes full upon them, they do not hold out in their purposed resolution. For one swoln with the bad daring of pride, when he sees that the rewards promised to humility are great, lifts himself up against himself, and as it were puts away the swelling and turgid bigness of pride, and vows to prove himself humble under whatever insults; but when he has been suddenly assailed with the injuriousness of a single word, he straight-way returns to his accustomed haughtiness, and is brought into such a swelling temper of mind, that he does not at all remember that he had made it his object to win the blessed attainment of humility. Another, fired with avarice, is out of breath with eagerness in adding to his means. When he sees that all things speedily pass away, he arrests ...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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