17. As though he said in plain words, ‘Him I petition, by Whom I know that these things are bestowed.’ For if he imagined that he had them by himself, he would not need to make his prayer to God. It goes on;
Which doeth great things and unsearchable, marvellous things without number.
18. Who may see to the bottom of the marvellous works of Almighty God, how He made all things of nothing, how the very framework of the world is arranged with a marvellous mightiness of power, and the heaven hung above the atmosphere, and the earth balanced above the abyss, how this whole universe consists of things visible and invisible, how He created man, so to say, gathering together in a small compass another world, yet a world of reason; how constituting this world of soul and flesh, He mixed the breath and the clay by an unsearchable disposal of His Might? A part, then, of these things we know, and a part we even are. Yet we omit to admire them, because those things which are full of marvels ...
Eliphaz says, “You did not devote yourself to prayer. As for me, I would commit my cause to God. You have reassured yourself and ceased from invoking ‘the Lord of all things.’ This is why the present afflictions befell you.” After speaking, Eliphaz glorified God and aroused Job’s anger. - "Homilies on Job 8.5.8"