Job 5:2

For wrath kills the foolish man, and envy slays the simple one.
Read Chapter 5

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Foolish and.little, here denote the wicked, as in the book of Proverbs. (Calmet) He accuses Job of anger (Menochius) and folly. (Calmet)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
78. Which same sentence would have been true, had it not been delivered against the patience of so great a man. But let us weigh well the thing that is said, though it be made to recoil by the virtue of his hearer, that we may shew how right the matter is, which is put forth, if it were not unjustly put forth against blessed Job; since it is written, But Thou, Lord, Judgest with tranquillity. [Wisd. 12, 18] We must above all things know, that as often as we restrain the turbulent motions of the mind under the virtue of mildness, we are essaying to return to the likeness of our Creator. For when the peace of the mind is lashed with Anger, torn and rent, as it were, it is thrown into confusion, so that it is not in harmony with itself, and loses the force of the inward likeness. Let us consider then how great the sin of Anger is, by which, while we part with mildness, the likeness of the image of the Most High is spoilt. By Anger wisdom is parted with, so that we are left wholly in...

John Chrysostom

AD 407
But the wise person examines all with care, whereas the fool sees nothing. This certainly means that it is God who “causes the foolish to be destroyed by his wrath, while ardor makes him who has gone astray, perish.” This refers to the ardor of God. “His wrath causes the foolish to disappear” means, in my opinion, that God’s wrath causes the sinners to disappear. “Wrath destroys the foolish one,” Eliphaz says, and therefore it does not destroy the sensible. Wrath, in fact, has no place among the sensible. - "Commentary on Job 5.2"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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