Job 36:28

Which the clouds do drop and pour upon man abundantly.
Read Chapter 36

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
He had said above, “See, God is exalted in his power”; now he repeats, “See, God is great.” What does “see” mean when speaking about God, and why does he repeat “see,” but for the reason that we are speaking of what we indicate in the present? And since God is present everywhere, when we say, “see” with regard to him we recall the fact that he is present also with those who do not see him. - "Morals on the Book of Job 27.9"

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
15. For these whirlpools do indeed flow from the clouds; because, if the power of understanding did not begin with the holy Apostles, it would not flow more fully through the mouths of teachers. For by ‘clouds’ in Holy Scripture, sometimes fickle men, sometimes Prophets, sometimes Apostles, are designated. By clouds the fickleness of the human mind is expressed; as Solomon says, He that observeth the wind, doth not sow, and he that regardeth the clouds, doth never reap. [Eccles. 11, 4] He doubtless calls the unclean spirit, ‘wind,’ but men who are subjected to him, ‘clouds;’ whom he impels backwards and forward, hither and thither, as often as his temptations alternate in their hearts from the blasts of suggestions. He, therefore, who observes the wind, does not sow; since he who dreads coming temptations, does not direct his heart to good works. And he who regards the clouds, does not reap, since he who trembles from the dread of human fickleness, deprives himself of the recompense of...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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