Job 34:26

He strikes them as wicked men in the open sight of others;
Read Chapter 34

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Sight. Literally, "in the place of the beholders "(Haydock) in public. (Calmet)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
25. In holy Scripture the word ‘as,’ is wont to be used, sometimes for resemblance, sometimes for reality. For it is for resemblance, as when the Apostle says, As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing: [2 Cor. 6 10] but for the reality, as John says, We beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-Begotten of the Father. [John 1, 14] But in this passage it makes no difference, whether it is put for resemblance, or reality: for, in whatever way it is taken, the evil life of the wicked is plainly signified. But holy Scripture specially calls unbelievers ‘ungodly.’ For sinners are distinguished from ungodly by this difference, that though every ungodly man is a sinner, yet every sinner is not ungodly. For even a man who is godly in the Faith can be called a sinner. Whence John says, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. [1 John 1, 8] But a man is properly called ‘ungodly’ who is estranged from the holiness of religion. For of such the Prophet says, The ungodly shall not rise up in ...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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