Job 34:25

Therefore he knows their works, and he overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.
Read Chapter 34

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Night, calamities. At once they shall be oppressed. (Calmet)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
22. It is specially to be understood, that every sinner is, in two ways, crushed in the night; either when he is struck by the suffering of punishment from without, or when he is blinded by a secret sentence within. He falls at night, when he loses for ever the light of life, by the last judgment. Whence it is written, Bind him hands and feet, and send him into outer darkness. [Matt. 22, 13] For he is then sent of force into outer darkness; because he is now blinded of his own will with darkness within. But, again, the sinner is crushed at night, when, condemned by the overthrow of former sinners, he finds not the light of truth, and knows not what he ought to do for the future. For every sin, which is not speedily wiped out by penitence, is either a sin, and a cause of sin, or else a sin, and the punishment of sin. For a sin which penitence does not wash away, soon leads on, by its very weight, to another. Whence it is not only a sin, but a sin, and a cause of sin. For, from that sin,...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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