Job 31:25

If I rejoiced because my wealth was great, and because my hand had gotten much;
Read Chapter 31

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
5. For holy men in the wofulness of this pilgrimage, because that Appearance of their Creator, which they long after, they are not yet suffered to contemplate at all, account all the fulness of the present life as destitution, because nothing out of God suffices the mind which really seeks after God; and it is very often the case that to such persons their very abundance itself becomes exceedingly burthensome, because this thing alone they bear as a grievance, that in hastening to their country they carry many things on the journey. Whence it comes to pass that these things they devotedly share with their neighbours who are in want, in order that while this one gets what he has not, the other may lay aside what he had too much of, that neither the fellow-traveller may walk empty, nor that man whom it might delay on the way an overgreat burthen weigh down. And thus the Elect never rejoice for their great abundance, which same for love of their heavenly inheritance they either in bestowi...

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
8. What do we fancy the ‘great riches’ so called in signification, but the abundant subtleties of counsels, which same ‘the hand’ of him that seeks ‘finds,’ in that the thought of him who deals thereunto produces them. For it was these ‘riches’ of wisdom that Solomon having before his eyes, saith, The crown of the wise is their riches. [Prov. 14, 24] Which same person, because it is not metals of the earth but understanding that he calls by the name of ‘riches,’ thereupon adds by way of a contrary; But the foolishness of fools is imprudence. For if he called earthly riches ‘the crown of the wise,’ surely he would own the senselessness of fools to be poverty rather than imprudence. But whereas he added ‘the foolishness of fools imprudence, he made it plain that he called prudence ‘the riches of the wise.’ These ‘riches’ of wisdom Paul viewing in himself and lowering his view by the thought of human infirmity, says, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels. [2 Cor. 4, 7] Accordingly ...

John Chrysostom

AD 407
Now what kind of fault can be detected there? You see that he is not keen on riches. Observe him, while he reflects and considers in truth the accidental, transitory, ephemeral and negligible character of human realities. - "Commentary on Job 31.17–25"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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