By the great force of my disease is my garment changed: it binds me about as the collar of my coat.
Read Chapter 30
George Leo Haydock
AD 1849
Coat. The worms are so numerous, (Menochius) or my enemies pour upon me. (Calmet)
Septuagint, "with great power He (God; Protestants, my disease) has seized me by the garment. "Theodotion adds, "He has taken hold of me like the collar of my tunic: "(Haydock) which corresponds with our shirt, and had an opening at the top. (Calmet)
58. If we give heed to the history, what else do we take ‘the garment’ of blessed Job for, but his body? whose ‘garment indeed is consumed’ when the flesh is put to torment. But according to the mystery of allegory, ‘the garment’ of Holy Church is the life of the faithful. For as the whole Church together is ‘the garment’ of Christ so the faithful severally are accounted ‘garments’ of that same Church. For if Holy Church were not Christ’s ‘garment,’ Paul surely would not say, That He might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle; [Eph. 5, 27] i.e. neither in respect of sin ‘having spot,’ nor in respect of a double mind ‘having wrinkle,’ because both by righteousness she is clean, And by a single bent stretched. She then that is washed that she should not ‘have spot,’ and stretched that she should not ‘have wrinkle,’ assuredly is a ‘garment.’ Therefore as the clothing of Christ is the name given to the whole Church in general, so the clothing of the Church ar...