I chose out their way, and sat as chief, and dwelt like a king in the army, as one that comforts the mourners.
Read Chapter 29
George Leo Haydock
AD 1849
With. Hebrew, "in his army, like one comforting people in mourning. "(Haydock)
Job was not merely as, or like a king, but also one in effect; exercising the power, (ver. 7.) and wearing the royal robes, ver. 14. (St. Isidore; Ven. Bede) (Worthington)
11. Because in the heart of lost sinners, the actions of the flesh are in the first place, and of the soul in the second, surely in their thoughts Christ ‘sits’ not ‘first’ but ‘last.’ But each of the Elect, because above all others they mind the things that are eternal, and if there be any things of a temporal kind, they manage them with an after and the least concern; to whom it is also said by the preceptress voice of Truth, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you; [Matt. 6, 33] in their heart the Lord ‘sits first.’ In which place it is fitly prefaced, If I had been minded to go to them. For because, as has been said, He doeth all things according to the counsel of His Will, not in answer to our desert, but because He is Himself so minded, the Lord enlightens us with His visitation. And so He both comes ‘when He is minded,’ and when He comes He ‘sitteth first,’ because both His Coming in our heart is gratuitous, and the lo...