51. For ‘by the waters the root is opened,’ when, for receiving the streams of truth, secretly the thought of the mind is spread out. For as we have already said in a former book, in Holy Writ by the term of ‘the root’ the hidden thought is used to be denoted. Therefore “our root we open by the waters,” when to the Interior watering we stretch the thought of the secret heart. Which same words if we carry on to the voice of Holy Church, her ‘root’ must be taken for the very Incarnation our Redeemer itself. Which ‘root is opened by the waters,’ in that God Invisible by the assumption of His Manhood was laid open to the regardings of our sight. Since the Creator, Who was not able to be seen in the Godhead, took to Him from us that whereby He might by us be seen. So ‘the root is opened by the waters,’ because the Author of the human race by means of His human nature is manifested to human beings. Whence also it is rightly said by the Psalmist, And he shall be like a tree that is pl...