Job 29:17

And I broke the fangs of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth.
Read Chapter 29

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Prey, which he had extorted from the poor. (Menochius)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
47. Oh what a spoil did “he take from the mouth of the devil, when by converting she carried off Saul himself the spoiler; when still breathing threats he was on his way to Damascus, having received letters, and whereas by persecuting the faithful he was gathering prey for the devil, he was, by being made acquainted with the faith, himself gathered to Christ. [Acts 9, 12] As many times did the Church ‘pluck the spoil out of the mouth of the wicked,’ as often as by preaching she snatched off a soul from the gripe of error. For who can be more truly called a wicked one than the devil? whose ‘jaws we break,’ as often as by arguing against his deceits, we bring to light his secret contrivances. And so we ‘pluck the spoil out of his teeth,’ because the soul, which he had already bitten by breaking it to sin, by converting we recover to the saving health of life. Since by ‘the jaws’ are exhibited his hidden plots, while by the teeth the now open commission of sin. Of which same jaws and...

John Chrysostom

AD 407
See how these miracles are worthy of the apostles. Job was not able to give sight back to them, because that charisma did not yet exist, but he provided them with light, even though they remained blind, whereas now we even make blind those who are able to see. He did not say, I employed my servants to do that, but I, he says, corrected the errors of nature, not only the errors that derived from the action of people but also those coming from nature itself. - "Commentary on Job 29.13–18"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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