Job 27:15

Those that remain of him shall be buried in death: and his widows shall not weep.
Read Chapter 27

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
In death; without honour. (Sanctius) Weep for him. Septuagint, "his widows no one shall lament, or pity. "(Haydock) (Psalm lxxvii. 63.) (Menochius)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
22. Doubtless’ the persons left’ of that tribe of heretics ‘are buried in death,’ for whereas they return not to the light of truth, assuredly they are sunk down in everlasting punish. ment by an earthly perception. And because it is sometimes the case, that whilst the leader of the common herds in error is carried off to punishment, the common herds that were led astray are new set to a knowledge of the truth, and then the persons under them return to true knowledge, when these persons are brought to eternal punishments, who had been wrongly set over them, it is fitly added; And his widows shall not weep. 23. Whom do we take for ‘his widows’ but the subject common herds left deserted for their happiness by his death? For oftentimes, as has been said, when the preacher of error is carried off to everlasting punishments, his subject multitudes are brought back to the grace of a true acquaintance. For these multitudes the wicked preacher was set over like a husband, because the s...

Olympiodorus of Alexandria

AD 570
He describes what is likely to happen to the ungodly. Admittedly, things do not always go in this manner for them. Some of them, indeed, preserve their prosperity until the end of their life, as he himself, in his quandary, has taught his friends in the previous chapters. Therefore, he calls “slaughter” the kind of death that is inflicted by enemies, and “death” the one that comes suddenly and prematurely. - "Commentary on Job 27.14–15"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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