Job 22:25

Yea, the Almighty shall be your defense, and you shall have plenty of silver.
Read Chapter 22

Ephrem The Syrian

AD 373
This means that you will be restored to your former state. And God will be your helper while before it seemed that he had completely neglected the care of your salvation, as if he had been absent. - "Commentary on Job 22.23"

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Silver. Septuagint, "But he shall purify thee, as silver, which has passed the fire. "(Haydock)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
23. What other enemies are we more subject to than evil spirits, who in our thoughts besiege us, that they may break into the city of our minds, and hold it, taken captive, under the yoke of their dominion? Now by the name of ‘silver,’ the Psalmist testifies the sacred oracles are denoted, when he says, The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth. [Ps. 12, 6] And often when we apply ourselves to the sacred oracles, we are more grievously subject to the artifices of evil Spirits, in that they sprinkle upon our mind the dust of earthly thoughts, that the eyes of our heeding they may darken to the light of the interior vision. Which same the Psalmist had undergone when he said, Depart from me, ye evil ones, and I will search into the commandments of my God; i.e. plainly teaching us that he could not search into the commandments of God, when he was suffering in mind the snares of the evil spirits. Which thing in the work of Isaac too we know to he repre...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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