Job 20:26

All darkness shall be laid up for his treasures: a fire not blown upon shall consume him; it shall go ill with him who is left in his tent.
Read Chapter 20

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Darkness, or misery. (Calmet) Septuagint, "Terrors upon him, (26) and all darkness may await him. "(Haydock) He shall find no means of escaping. (Calmet) Kindled. Hebrew, "blown. "St. Gregory observes that hell-fire is corporeal, but very different from our material fire. Chaldean, explain this passage in the same sense. It may also intimate interior anguish, (Calmet) lightning, (Vatable) pestilence, (Grotius) and every species of calamity. (Calmet) Tabernacle, in hell. (Menochius) We may also translate, "he who is left "(Haydock) the offspring shall be also miserable. (Menochius)

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
34. For though the hypocrite exhibits good actions on the surface, yet a certain ‘darkness’ of evil deeds appears in him; yet it less comes forth in act, than lies buried in his secret thought. For he who does not fulfil all things at once in execution, does in his heart in silence hold all things that may do mischief. Thus ‘all darkness’ is said to be ‘hid in his secret places,’ in that though he does not exhibit to view all things evil in himself, yet he aims to bring down all upon his fellow-creatures. Now let him add the retribution, which this soul so reprobate shall be visited with. It goes on; A fire that is not kindled shall consume him. 35. Most wonderfully in these few words is the fire of hell set forth! For bodily fire, in order to become fire, stands in need of bodily fuel; and when it is necessary for it to be preserved, as we well know, it is nourished by wood heaped upon it, neither can it be, except by being kindled, nor live, save by being cherished. But con...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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