Job 14:5

Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with you, you have appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;
Read Chapter 14

Gregory The Dialogist

AD 604
1. For he sees that that as it were is not with us, which runs by with such great rapidity, but seeing that even things passing away stand with Almighty God, he declares that ‘the number of our months is with Him.’ Or, indeed, by the ‘days,’ the shortness of time is denoted, but by the ‘months’ the spaces of the days are multiplied. Thus to ourselves ‘the days are short;’ but seeing that our life is further extended afterwards, ‘the number of our months’ is recorded ‘to be with God.’ Hence also it is said by Solomon, Length of days is in her right hand. [Prov. 3, 16] It goes on; Thou hast appointed his bounds, that he cannot pass. 2. Of the things that happen to men in this world, none come to pass without the secret counsel of Almighty God; for God, foreseeing all things that should follow, before the ages of the world decreed how they should be ordered in the ages of the world. Since it is already appointed to man both to what extent the prosperity of the world shall attend ...

John Chrysostom

AD 407
You see Job taking refuge again in his nature, because it is impossible, he says, to be pure. [He implores God] not only because of our weakness or our ephemeral nature or the disheartening that fills our life, but because it is also impossible to be pure. “Stay away from me, so that I may be peaceful and satisfied about my life like a laborer.” Job expresses again the ephemeral, miserable and unhappy character of life. “And since I am overwhelmed and unhappy, I ask only to be left in peace.” Then Job demonstrates that human beings are the unhappiest of all, more than trees, rivers and the sea. - "Commentary on Job 14.4–6"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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