25. The heart is not here said to be ‘set firm’ by virtue but by insensibility, for every soul that submits itself to the consideration of the interior severity, is directly softened by the fear thereof; and the shaft of divine dread enters into him, in that he carries weak bowels through humility. But he that is hardened by obstinacy in insensibility, as it were sets his heart firm, that the darts of heavenly fear may not pierce it. Whence the Lord says mercifully to some by the Prophet, And I will take away the stony heart out of you, and I will give you a heart of flesh. [Ezek. 36, 26] For He ‘takes away the stony heart,’ when He removes from us the hardness of pride. And He ‘gives us a heart of flesh,’ when He thereupon changes that same hardness into sensibility. Now by ‘hands’ as we have often taught are denoted works. To stretch out the hands to God, then, with sin, is to pride ourselves upon the excellency of our works to the prejudice of the grace of the Giver. For he ...