Isaiah 7:16

For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that you dread shall be forsaken by both her kings.
Read Chapter 7

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Good. Being arrived at the age of discretion, Achaz engaged the Assyrians to invade Damascus. Its citizens and four tribes were carried into captivity the year following. Phacee only survived another year, the year of the world 3265. This was a pledge, that what regarded the son of the virgin would also be accomplished. (Calmet) Land of the enemy. (Calmet) (4 Kings xvi.) (Menochius)


AD 420
This is said [“The child grew in wisdom and in age before God and men”] in order to establish the truth of his human body. Nevertheless, wrapped in swaddling clothes and fed with curds and honey, he will have the judgment to distinguish between good and evil, that rejecting evil he might choose the good. It does not say that he will in fact reject and choose but that he would learn to reject and to choose, so that we might know through such words that this pertains to the infant’s human body, not to divine wisdom. Finally, it must be believed that the angels who announced to shepherds the news of the infant lying in a manger and the magi who came from the east to worship him were chosen. Herod, the scribes and the Pharisees, on the other hand, were condemned because they slaughtered thousands of children for the sake of one infant. - "Commentary on Isaiah 3.7.15"

John of Damascus

AD 749
Now, since the Lord was not a mere man but was also God and knew all things, he stood in no need of reflection, inquiry, counsel or judgment. He also had a natural affinity for good and antipathy for evil. Thus it is in this sense that the prophet Isaiah, too, says, “Before the child shall know to refuse the evil, he will choose the good. For before the child knows to refuse the evil and to choose the good, he will reject the evil by choosing the good.” The “before” shows that he made no inquiry or investigation in a human manner but that since he was God and divinely subsisted in the flesh—that is to say, was personally united to the flesh—by the fact of his very being and his knowing all things he naturally possessed the good. - "Orthodox Faith 3.14"

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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