Blessed are you that sow beside all waters, that send forth freely the feet of the ox and the donkey.
Read Chapter 32
Ambrose of Milan
AD 397
Accordingly, like a perfect man learned in the law and made firm in the gospel, accept the faith of both Testaments, for, as we read today, “Blessed is he who sows upon every water, where the ox and the donkey tread,” that is, who sows upon the people who follow the teaching of both Testaments. This is the ploughman’s ox, wearing the yoke of the law, of which the law says, “You shall not muzzle the ox that treads out your corn,” for this ox has the horns of holy Scripture. But in the Gospel the Lord, representing the people of the Gentiles, mounts the colt of a donkey. - "Letter 68 (9.64.9)"
The prophet says, “Blessed is he that sows into all waters, whose ox and donkey tread,” [that is] the people, from the law and from the Gentiles, gathered into one faith. - "Stromateis 6.1.1"
Waters. Fruitful soils, abounding with cattle. (Calmet)
Both Jews and Gentiles shall submit to Christ. (Clement of Alexandria, Strom. vi.) (St. Jerome)
What else is meant by “seed” but the word of preaching? It is as the truth says in the Gospel, “A sower went forth to sow”; and the prophet says, “Blessed are you who sow upon all waters.” What else but the church ought to be understood by the threshing floor? Of this it is said by the voice of the forerunner: “And he will thoroughly purge his floor.” - "Morals on the Book of Job 6.31.9"
By water, peoples are denoted, as it is said by John, “Now the waters are peoples.” By water likewise, not only the tide of peoples drifting away, but also the minds of good men who follow the preachings of faith are denoted, as the prophet says, “Blessed are you who sow upon all waters.” And it is said by the psalmist, “The voice of the Lord is upon the waters.” - "Morals on the Book of Job 19.6"
Only let us not be condemned for frivolity by asking for little, and for what is unworthy of the giver. Blessed is he from whom Jesus asks drink, as he did from that Samaritan woman, and gives a well of water springing up unto eternal life. Blessed is he that sows beside all waters, and upon every soul, tomorrow to be ploughed and watered, which today the ox and the donkey tread, while it is dry and without water, and oppressed with lack of rationality. And blessed is he who, though he be a “valley of rushes,” is watered out of the house of the Lord; for he is made fruit-bearing instead of rush-bearing and produces that which is for the food of man, not that which is rough and unprofitable. And for the sake of this we must be very careful not to miss the grace. - "On Holy Baptism, Oration 40.27"
Let them take as much pleasure as they please in their Gallican geldings; we will be satisfied with the simple “donkey” of Zechariah, loosed from its halter and made ready for the Savior’s service, which received the Lord on its back and so fulfilled Isaiah’s prediction: “Blessed is he that sows beside all waters, where the ox and the donkey tread under foot.” - "Letter 27.3"