I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.
Read Chapter 5
Cyril of Alexandria
AD 444
“They seek early” seems to indicate here that they, as if awakened from the sleep of thoughtlessness which was in them, and further as if brought from night and darkness to light and day, will call out to one another that it is fitting to return to the Lord. This is a return to the senses of those fallen into deception and those taken up by the worship of idols. For the fruit of vigilance is at present seeking to get out of the gloom which is demonic.
It seems that the saying refers very suitably to the mystery of Christ and the redemption through him, pointing to the conversion to God. For the face of God we seek signifies most certainly the Son himself, “who is the image, and the radiance, and the very seal of the Father’s nature.” Thus the true face of God and Father is the Son, inasmuch as he is recognized in him: “And who saw him, saw the Father.” The psalmist thus calls him when he cries out to God of all, saying: “Cause your face to shine upon your servant.” Indeed, just as from the person of those who were already transformed according to the Son through the Spirit: “The light of your face, O Lord, has been marked upon us.” Or as the prophet says: “The light of our face, the anointed Lord.”
By “my place” we have to understand God’s place, his splendor and majesty, so that by no means according to the dispensation does he descend to men, become angry, merciful, forgetful, become as a panther, turn into a lion, change into beasts. On the contrary, he disdains human things and allows those whom he once protected to be cast to enemies so that they may languish, disappear and be destroyed, and seek eventually the face of the Lord…. Others consider God’s place the heaven where God returns after being offended by the inhabitants of the earth, and he allows to go to ruin those who, due to the multitude of their sins, turned the mercy of the Lord into the rage of beasts toward them.