Genesis 5:21

And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:
Read Chapter 5

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
Enoch called upon God in hope and so is thought to have been transported. And so only that man who puts his hope in God seems to be “man.” Moreover, the clear and truthful sense of the passage is that one who puts his hope in God does not dwell on earth but is transported, so to speak, and cleaves to God. Isaac, or the Soul

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
The Holy Spirit also came down “and filled the whole house, where very many were sitting, and there appeared parted tongues as of fire.” Good are the wings of love, the true wings that flew about through the mouths of the apostles, and the wings of fire that spoke the pure word. On these wings Enoch flew when he was snatched up to heaven. Isaac, or the Soul

Augustine of Hippo

AD 430
Then the Scripture states that after some time had elapsed, there was a man named Enoch, whose justice merited a singular privilege: that he should not experience present death but should be transported to immortality from the midst of mortals. This incident shows that one just man is dearer to God than many sinners.

Cyprian of Carthage

AD 258
We also find that Enoch, who pleased God, was transported, as divine Scripture testifies in Genesis and says, “And Enoch pleased God and was not seen later because God took him.” This was pleasing in the sight of God—that Enoch merited being transported from the contagion of this world. But the Holy Spirit teaches also through Solomon that those who please God are taken from here earlier and more quickly set free, lest while they are tarrying too long in this world they be corrupted by familiarity with the world.

Ephrem The Syrian

AD 373
Some say that while Adam was looking [at Enoch] God transported him to paradise lest Adam think that Enoch was killed as was Abel and so be grieved. This was so that Adam might also be comforted by this just son of his and that he might know that for all who were like this one, whether before death or after the resurrection, paradise would be their meeting place. .

Gregory the Theologian

AD 390
Enoch “hoped to invoke the Lord.” His accomplishment consisted not in hoping for knowledge, mark you, but rather in hoping for invocation of the Lord. Enoch was “transferred”—yes, but it is quite unclear whether this was a consequence or a precondition of his comprehending God’s nature.

John Cassian

AD 435
The mind is so caught up in this way that the hearing no longer takes in the voices outside and images of the passerby no longer come to sight and the eye no longer sees the mounds confronting it or the gigantic objects rising up against it. No one will possess the truth and the power of all this unless he has direct experience to teach him. The Lord will have turned the eyes of his heart away from everything of the here and now, and he will think of these as not transitory so much as already gone, smoke scattered into nothing. He walks with God, like Enoch. He is gone from a human way of life, from human concerns. He is no longer to be found amid the vanity of this present world. The text of Genesis relates that this actually happened to Enoch in the body: “Enoch walked with God and was not to be found because God had taken him away.” The apostle says, “Because of his faith, Enoch was taken up so that he did not have to encounter death.” –.

John Chrysostom

AD 407
Well, then, do not say, “I am impeded by the flesh, so I cannot win out or take on myself efforts to acquire virtue.” Do not thus accuse your Creator. For if the flesh makes it impossible to possess virtue, the fault is not ours. However, the company of the saints has shown that in reality it does not make this impossible. The nature of the flesh did not prevent Paul, for instance, from becoming such a saint as he became or Peter from receiving the keys of heaven. Further, Enoch, though possessed of the flesh, was taken by God and seen no more.

Tertullian of Carthage

AD 220
Enoch and Elijah were transported hence without suffering death, which was only postponed. The day will come when they will actually die that they may extinguish Antichrist with their blood. There was a legend that St. John the Evangelist was to live till the second coming, but he died.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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