Genesis 40:14

But think of me when it shall be well with you, and show kindness, I pray you, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house:
Read Chapter 40

Ambrose of Milan

AD 397
Look therefore on that Hebrew as he says to the chief of the eunuchs, who had incurred the displeasure of the king but had been restored to his post, “Remember me by your own case, when it shall be well with you, and you will do me a kindness and remember me.” He made his request a second time for this reason, because he knew that the other would not remember what harm he had escaped, when he had regained power. And so Joseph reminded him a second time, because he freed him a second time. Thus, if the recollection of the earlier kindness did not have a hold on him, at least the remembrance of the later one would present itself, and that man would not scorn the author of his deliverance or do violence to him out of treacherous deceit. But what is worse, forgetfulness of the kindness swiftly stole in during time of prosperity. The butler, once restored to his post, did not remember the interpreter of his dream but forgot about him. But even though he forgot, Christ did not forget but spo...

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Prison, after examining into the justice of my cause.

John Chrysostom

AD 407
When you hear this, dearly beloved, far from despising the good man’s pusillanimity, be amazed rather at the fact that despite the onset of such awful difficulties, he put up with his internment there nobly and thankfully. I mean, even though he had often been given authority by the chief jailer, still he found it harsh to be locked up and live with squalid and filthy people. Notice, in fact, his philosophical attitude even from his bearing it in courageous fashion and giving evidence of great humility in every circumstance. “Have compassion on me, remind Pharaoh of me, and get me out of this dungeon.” Consider in this, I ask you, how Joseph says nothing against that disgusting adulteress, does not blame his master or recount his brothers’ inhumanity to him. Instead, he suppresses all that in saying, “Remember me, and have me taken out of this dungeon, for I was really abducted from the land of the Hebrews and have done nothing here and yet have been cast into this prison.” Instead of ...

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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