Daniel 13:55

And Daniel said, Very well; you have lied against your own head; for even now the angel of God has received the sentence of God to cut you in two.
Read Chapter 13

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Two. This punishment was not unusual: yet it is probable that the two old men were stoned to death by the law of retaliation, ver. 61., and Exodus xix. 4.) There is an allusion, in Greek, between schinon and schisei, and also between Prinos and prisei; (ver. 58, 59) and hence it is concluded that this work was originally in that language. But there might be a similar allusion in Hebrew or Chaldean or the translator might think it lawful to put one tree for another. (Calmet) We find a tree called shinar, in Persia. (Tavern. iv. 6.) It would be easy to produce similar allusions in the Latin ilex; thus ilicò per ibis (Menochius)

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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