And all her streets shall say, Alleluia; and they shall praise him, saying, Blessed be God, which has extolled it for ever.
All Commentaries on Tobit 13:18 Go To Tobit 13
AD 1400
Will I ever be able to see what is so desirable, what the angels long to gaze on, so I can say, “Look, now I see what I have so longed for, what I wanted I now possess!”? When will I come and appear before the face of the Lord, to contemplate him in the blessedness of his elect, to know the joy of his people and to glory in his inheritance? When will I see that city of which it is said, “Your squares, Jerusalem, will be paved with pure gold, and in you will resound a hymn of exultation, and in all your streets they will say, ‘Alleluia!’ ”? O holy city, O splendid city! I salute you from afar, I invoke you, I seek you. I desire to see you and to rest in you, but the flesh that holds me back does not let me do so. O desirable city! Your walls are a single stone, your guardian will be God, your citizens will always be glad, since they enjoy forever the vision of God. There is no corruption in you, or defect, or old age or anger—but perennial peace, unchanging glory, eternal joy, continual celebration. Truly there is only joy and exultation, the flower and confidence of youth and of complete salvation. In you there is neither yesterday nor past, but all is today, since yesterday is your tomorrow and the past is everlasting and the same. Health is in you, life is in you, to you belongs infinite peace, and for you God is everything. “Of you they say marvelous things, O city of God.” “All make their dwelling in you with joy.” In you there is no fear or sadness. Every desire is turned into joy, since everything that can be desired is within reach, and everything one could want is there in abundance. All your inhabitants will receive a full measure of happiness, so that all might visibly rejoice together, without end. All will rejoice together, because the brothers and sisters will live together when all will gather in a single place. Finally, all will be one, as he who was worthy of his prayer being heard deigned to pray for his family, “As you, Father, are in me and I in you, may they also be one in us.”