Ecclesiastes 7:16

Be not overly righteous; neither make yourself overly wise: why should you destroy yourself?
All Commentaries on Ecclesiastes 7:16 Go To Ecclesiastes 7

Gregory of Nyssa

AD 394
No one can say that he has strayed from ignorance into some silly fancy of separating, locally, the supreme from that which is below, and assigning to the Father as it were the peak of some hill, while he seats the Son lower down in the hollows. No one is so childish as to conceive of differences in space, when the intellectual and spiritual is under discussion. Local position is a property of the material, but the intellectual and immaterial is confessedly removed from the idea of locality. What, then, is the reason why he says that the Father alone has supreme being? For one can hardly think it is from ignorance that he wanders off into these conceptions, being one who, in the many displays he makes, claims to be wise, even “making himself overwise,” as the Holy Scripture forbids us to do.
1 min

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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