Zechariah 12:12

And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart;
All Commentaries on Zechariah 12:12 Go To Zechariah 12

Justin Martyr

AD 165
While they remained silent, I continued, “My friends, when Scripture through David speaks of Christ, it says that not ‘in his seed’ shall the Gentiles be blessed, but ‘in him.’ ” Here are the words: “His name shall endure forever; it shall rise above the sun; and all nations shall be blessed in him.” But if all nations are blessed in Christ and we who are from all nations believe in him, then he is the Christ, and we are they who are blessed through him. It is written that God once allowed the sun to be worshiped, and yet you cannot discover anyone who ever suffered death because of his faith in the sun. But you can find people of every nationality who for the name of Jesus have suffered and still suffer all kinds of torments rather than deny their faith in him. For his word of truth and wisdom is more blazing and bright than the might of the sun, and it penetrates the very depths of the heart and mind. Thus Scripture says, “His name shall arise above the sun.” And Zechariah affirms, “The East is his name.” And again, “They shall mourn tribe by tribe.”
1 min

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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