Therefore shall you fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with you in the night, and I will destroy your mother.
All Commentaries on Hosea 4:5 Go To Hosea 4
Augustine of Hippo
AD 430
For us too, you see, once the night of this age is done, there will be a resurrection of the flesh for the kingdom; it’s the model or sample of this that has already occurred in our head. That, indeed, is why the Lord wished to rise again at night; because, in the apostle’s words, “God, who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness, has shone in our hearts.” So the Lord represented light shining out of darkness by being born at night and also by rising at night. Light out of darkness, in fact, is Christ out of the Jews, to whom it was said, “I have likened your mother to night.” But in that nation, as it were in that night, the virgin Mary was not night but somehow or other a star of the night; which is why a star also signaled her childbearing, guiding a far distant night, that is the magi from the east, to worship the light. Thus in them too would be realized the command to “the light to shine out of darkness.” ..