Psalms 65:1

Praise waits for you, O God, in Zion: and unto you shall the vow be performed.
All Commentaries on Psalms 65:1 Go To Psalms 65

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Hymn. Or Hebrew, "Praise is silent "(Haydock) "waiteth "(Protestants) or "silence is praise for thee, O God. "(Pagnin) Favete linguis. (Horace) (Grotius) "We worship Him with pure silence. "(Porphyrius, Abst. iii.) (Zacharias ii. 13.) (Haydock) In Jerusalem, is not in Hebrew, though Houbigant thinks it was originally. (Berthier) "Only the vows of ecclesiastical religion are useful. "(St. Hilary) Praises of those who are out of the Church, are not acceptable to God. (Worthington)
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Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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