And the capitals that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch, four cubits.
Read Chapter 7
AD 735
What else can the lilies mean but the glory of the heavenly homeland and the beauty of immortality fragrant with the flowers of paradise? What else can the four cubits mean but the word of the gospel, which promises us entry into eternal happiness and shows us the road by which we may reach it? Therefore, when holy teachers show us the promised threshold of the heavenly kingdom in the four books of the holy gospel, it is as if the tops of the pillars display the lily work of four cubits that is on them. Taking this text literally, it should be noted that when the lily work on the capitals is recorded as having been of four cubits and the words “in height” or “in width” are not added, it is, of course, left to the reader’s judgment whether this ought to be understood as referring to height or to width. It is agreed beyond the slightest doubt that a pillar that a rope of twelve cubits spanned would be four cubits thick. For the circumference of every circle is three times the length of i...
Of lily-work, seems also transposed. Calmet would translate, Hebrew, "and he made pomegranates, two rows round each net, to cover the chapiter, which was at the top of the pillar, and in, (19) and the chapiter, which was above the pillars of the court, (or porch) four cubits high. And he made rows of 200 pomegranates, all round, to cover one of the crowns of the pillars, and he did the like for the other crown; (20) and he also made a chapiter, like a rose, (or lily) at the top of the pillars, above, and over-against the body, which was beyond the nets. "The rose seemed to grow out of the pillar. The chapiters were not square, but of a circular form. Pelletier supposes that these pillars were of the ancient Doric order. It is certain that all the chapiter was not in the form of a lily, as the Hebrew would now insinuate, but only the top part of it, chap. v. 22. The long addition of one of the crowns, may be unnecessary, if the original signify either; (as ver. 15) "to cover either crow...