Ahab once captured a king of Syria and, contrary to God’s decree, saved his life. He had the Syrian king enjoy a seat by his side and sent him off with great honor. About that time a prophet came to his companion and said to him, “In the word of the Lord, strike me.” But his companion was not willing to strike him. And the prophet said to him, “Because you would not listen to the word of the Lord, behold, you will depart from me, and a lion will strike you.” And he departed from him, and the lion found him and struck him. Then the prophet found another man and said, “Strike me.” And the man did strike him and wounded him, and the prophet bandaged up his own face.
What greater paradox than this could there be? The man who struck the prophet was saved; the one who spared the prophet was punished. Why? That you may learn that when God commands, you must not question too much the nature of the action; you have only to obey. So that the first man might not spare him out of reverence, the pr...