1 Chronicles 1:1

Adam, Sheth, Enosh,
Read Chapter 1

Douay Rheims 1609

AD 1609
PARALIPOMENON,  that is, A supplement of things omitted, called by the Hebrews Dibre haiamim, The words of the days, or  Chronicle, is an Abridgement briefly showing, besides diverse other  Genealogies, from the beginning of the world, the faith and religion both of the progenitors, and off spring of the Patriarch Jacob, whose progeny Good chose and made his peculiar people; and in that nation more particularly recounting the Acts of king David, and other Kings of his line, till they were led captive into Babylon .A book of such and so great importance (sayeth St. Jerome.)as whosoever without it arrogateth the knowledge of Scriptures, may mock himself. The author is uncertain, but probably it seemeth to be gathered by Esdras, out of other Books and traditions, for the perfecting of the old Testament: and is undoubtedly canonical Scripture. In Hebrew it is all one book, but being large, is with the Greeks and Latins parted into two.  And the first book may be divided into three principa...

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Seth. Protestants, "Sheth, Enosh, Kenan: "but in Genesis they agree with us, which shows that the translator of the two different books is different, and that there is a want of uniformity in the plan adopted by king James I. (Haydock) The posterity of Cain is neglected, as it all perished in the deluge. (Calmet)


AD 420
If the version of the Seventy translators is pure and has remained as it was rendered by them into Greek, you have urged me on superfluously, my Cromatius, most holy and most learned of bishops, that I translated the Hebrew scrolls into Latin words. For what has formerly won the ears of men and strengthened the faith of those being born to the Church was indeed proper to be approved by our silence. Now, in fact, when different versions are held by a variety of regions, and this genuine and ancient translation is corrupted and violated, you have considered our opinion, either to judge which of the many is the true one, or to put together new work with old work, and shutting off to the Jews, as it is said, "a horn to pierce the eyes." The region of Alexandria and Egypt praises in their Seventy the authority of Hesychius; the region from Constantinople to Antioch approves the version of Lucian the Martyr; in the middle, between these provinces, the people of Palestine read the books which...

Richard Challoner

AD 1781
These Books are called by the Greek interpreters, Paralipomenon, that is, of things left out, or omitted; because they are a kind of a supplement of such things as were passed over in the books of the Kings. The Hebrews call them Dibre Haijamim, that is, The words of the days, or The Chronicles.--Not that they are the books which are so often quoted in the Kings, under the title of the words of the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Juda: for the books of Paralipomenon were written after the books of Kings: but because in all probability they have been abridged from those ancient words of the days, by Esdras or some other sacred writer.

Richard Challoner

AD 1781
Enos, means “man,” or “despairing,” or “violent.” Seth, means “placing,” “settling,” “he has placed.” Adam, who means “man,” or “of the earth,” or “needy.” Which is “man,” or “of the earth,” or “needy.”

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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