Philippians 2:2

Fulfill you my joy, that you be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Read Chapter 2

Gaius Marius Victorinus

AD 400
What does he mean by “the same love”? That you should have the same love for another that the other has for you, not a divided love but a love embedded in life in Christ. Then he adds “in full accord and of one mind.” He seems to me to be underscoring what he has said above but in a reversed order. “In full accord” corresponds to “the same love. Of one mind” refers to the previous phrase: “being of the same mind.” Yet there is something more nuanced in this pair than in the previous one. For “being of the same mind” and “of one mind” differ only slightly. Both pertain to knowledge. “Being of the same mind” suggests a knowledge that is not yet established, yet its capacity of knowing may be seen to be the same…. “Being of the same mind” seems to be still a continuing process. It is the way to life. But “having the same love” is the way of life to which that knowing leads.

Gaius Marius Victorinus

AD 400
Remember that God is one, his Son is one and his Holy Spirit is one, and all three are one. If so, then we too ought to be one in our thoughts, so as to “be of the same mind” with the one God. Then it follows that we are to “have the same love.” To be of the same mind pertains to knowledge, while to have the same love pertains to discipline, to the conduct of life.

Ignatius of Antioch

AD 108
With an undivided heart and a willing mind, "being of one accord and of one judgment". "that ye all speak the same thing, being of one mind, thinking the same thing, and walking by the same rule of faith"

John Chrysostom

AD 407
He does not want this exhortation to appear to be addressed to those who have failed in their duty. So he does not say “give me joy” but “complete my joy.” That is as if to say: “You have already begun to flourish. You have already pursued peace as I wish. Now I long for you to reach the highest levels of maturity in faith.” .

John Chrysostom

AD 407
That the exhortation might not seem to be made to people who were still deficient, see how he says not, do me joy, but fulfil my joy; that is, You have begun to plant it in me, you have already given me some portion of peacefulness, but I desire to arrive at its fullness? Say, what would you? That we deliver you from dangers? That we supply somewhat to your need? Not so, but that you be of the same mind, having the same love, in which you have begun, being of one accord, of one mind. Just see, how often he repeats the same thing by reason of his great affection! That ye be of the same mind, or rather, that you be of one mind. For this is more than the same. Having the same love. That is, let it not be simply about faith alone, but also in all other things; for there is such a thing as to be of the same mind, and yet not to have love. Having the same love, that is, love and be loved alike; do not thou enjoy much love, and show less love, so as to be covetous even in this matter; but ...

Shepherd of Hermas

AD 150
And they have always agreed with each other, and been at peace among themselves,

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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