Fulfill you my joy, that you be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
All Commentaries on Philippians 2:2 Go To Philippians 2
Gaius Marius Victorinus
AD 400
What does he mean by “the same love”? That you should have the same love for another that the other has for you, not a divided love but a love embedded in life in Christ. Then he adds “in full accord and of one mind.” He seems to me to be underscoring what he has said above but in a reversed order. “In full accord” corresponds to “the same love. Of one mind” refers to the previous phrase: “being of the same mind.” Yet there is something more nuanced in this pair than in the previous one. For “being of the same mind” and “of one mind” differ only slightly. Both pertain to knowledge. “Being of the same mind” suggests a knowledge that is not yet established, yet its capacity of knowing may be seen to be the same…. “Being of the same mind” seems to be still a continuing process. It is the way to life. But “having the same love” is the way of life to which that knowing leads.