Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Read Chapter 8


AD 400
Paul holds out security for us by the grace of God, so that we should not be tempted by the suggestions of the devil as long as we reject them…. We shall instead be rewarded if we repel the counsels of that sin which remains in us, for it demands great skill to avoid the tricks of the enemy within. “The law of the Spirit of life is the law of faith.” For even the law of Moses is spiritual in that it forbids us to sin, but it is not the law of life. It has no power to pardon those who are guilty of the sins which merit death and thus to bring them back to life….Therefore it is the law in Christ Jesus, that is to say, through faith in Christ, which frees the believer from the law of sin and death. The law of sin, which Paul says dwells in our members, tries to persuade us to sin, but the law of Moses is a law of death, because it puts sinners to death. Commentary on Paul’s Epistles.

Clement Of Alexandria

AD 215
Et rursus (nunquam enim quovis modo juvando defatigatur) non veretur veluti concludere: "Lex enim spiritus liberavit me a lege peccati et morris: "quoniam "per Filium Dens condemnavit peccaturn in carne, ut justificatio legis impleatur in nobis, qui non secundum carnem ambulamus, seal secundum spiritum."

Cyril of Alexandria

AD 444
I think it is necessary for an accurate explanation of the meanings which are found here, to say this: Paul calls the lusts of the flesh which lead us into all kinds of wickedness “the law of sin and death.” So also he calls the spiritual will, that is, the inclination of the mind to do what is right, “the law of the Spirit of life.” … This law has not set us free by itself; rather it has restored us to freedom by the merits of Christ. Just as those who have sinned under the law have necessarily been trapped by the snares of death as well, so it is necessary also that those who are not under the law but who have been set free by Christ should lead lives of holiness and show themselves to be above corruption, because they are no longer under the law of death. .

Gennadius of Constantinople

AD 471
We have been made heirs of a painfree and immortal life by the free gift of the Spirit and have all become spiritual, being set free from sin and the death which it causes. .

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
The law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus. That is, the new law, by which the Holy Spirit, or the spirit of life is given, hath delivered me from the law of sin and of death: that is, from the slavery of sin, that causeth death: though some think that the law of Moses may be here called the law of death, and of sin, because it occasionally brought death upon such as transgressed the known law. (Witham)

John Chrysostom

AD 407
“The law of the Spirit of life” is just a way of saying “the Spirit. “ For as he calls sin the “law of sin,” so he also calls the Spirit the “law of the Spirit.” But Paul also called the law of Moses “spiritual.” What is the difference? It is great! For the law of Moses was spiritual, but here we are dealing with the law of the Spirit…. The law of Moses was merely given by the Spirit, but this one gives those who receive it a large measure of the Spirit himself. This is why Paul called it the law of life, in opposition to the law of sin, not to the law of Moses. For when he says that it freed him from the law of sin and death, it is not the law of Moses which he has in mind, because he never calls it the law of sin. In any case, how could he have done so since he had called it “just and holy” on so many other occasions, and destructive of sin as well? Rather, the law of sin is the force which wars against the law of the mind. The grace of the Spirit put a stop to that war by slaying si...

Methodius of Olympus

AD 311
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death; "so that "He that raised up Jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you; "having "condemned sin "which is in the body to its destruction; "that the righteousness of the law"

Tertullian of Carthage

AD 220
In which he "was: "but according to "the law of the Spirit". ""For the law "he says, "of the Spirit of life hath manumitted thee from the law of sin and of death."

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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