Romans 14:22

Have you faith? have it to yourself before God. Happy is he that condemns not himself in that thing which he allows.
Read Chapter 14


AD 400
This means that if you are happy to eat because you know that everything God made is good, there is no need to judge anyone else. Rather, you should be at peace with your brother, for this is what God wants. Commentary on Paul’s Epistles.

Augustine of Hippo

AD 430
This should be read in connection with [verse ] above…. Let us make good use of what we have, lest we sin against our brothers by creating a stumbling block for the weaker ones. For when we offend the weak we condemn ourselves by the very good by which we approve ourselves when this faith pleases us.

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Hast thou faith? He doth not here mean, saith St. Chrysostom, a faith to believe divine truths. But art thou by faith persuaded in mind and conscience, that to eat meats formerly forbidden, is now lawful, have it within thyself, remain in this faith and conscience, but make it not appear, when it is prejudicial to thy weak brother. Happy is he that condemneth not himself, that maketh not himself liable to condemnation, by giving scandal, by using that liberty, which he is convinced is allowed. Or happy is he that acteth not against his conscience, by doing what he sees is allowed of by others, but which his conscience tells him he ought not to do. (Witham)

John Chrysostom

AD 407
It seems to me that here Paul is gently warning the stronger ones against the temptation of vanity. He does not want them to go around boasting of their superiority but to be happy with having a clear conscience.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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