Mark 8:12

And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and said, Why does this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.
Read Chapter 8

George Leo Haydock

AD 1849
Jesus Christ fetches a deep sigh on account of their obduracy, and says; why do these ask for a miracle to confirm their belief, when they resist the authority of so many miracles, which are daily performed under their eyes? (Bible de Vence) A sign shall not be given. But by a Hebrew form of speech, if divers times is put for a negative. (Witham)

John Chrysostom

AD 407
But for what sign from heaven were they asking? Maybe that he should hold back the sun, or curb the moon, or bring down thunderbolts, or change the direction of the wind, or something like that? … In Pharaoh’s time there was an enemy from whom deliverance was needed. But for one who comes among friends, there should be no need of such signs. Gospel of St. Matthew, Homily

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - 2 Peter 1:20

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