Christ is contemned of his countrymen7 He giveth the twelve power over unclean spirits14Divers opinions of Christ27 John Baptist is beheaded, 29 and buried30 The apostles return from preaching34The miracle of five loaves and two fishes48 Christ walketh on the sea: 53and healeth all that touch him.
After the miracles that Christ had performed, though he was not ignorant how much they despised him, yet that there might be no excuse for their disbelief, he condescended to return to them. (Theophylactus)
How can he be said to go out and to come in, whom no space can enclose? What country can be his, who made, and who possesses, the whole universe? In truth, Christ goes out and comes in not of himself, nor for himself, but in you, and on behalf of you, until he recovers you from your exile, and calls you home from your captivity.